How to boost your income and get more clinical cases with invisible orthodontics:

The secrets they’ve never told you

15th of October - 8:00 PM (Spanish time) -
On zoom (you’ll need to sign up first)

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Do you feel like you’re spending hours working on cases and not seeing it in your revenue? Do you spend a lot of time on each one? Are there patients you have to turn away because you’re not sure how to treat them?

Do not wait to start living the life you’ve always wanted!

In this webinar, we’ll share the secrets to:

Solve any clinical case using invisible orthodontics

We’ll help you cut the time you spend on each case by 50%, so you can enjoy more time with family, friends or yourself

We’ll show you how to triple the number of cases you handle in your practice

Leave the session with a winning mindset

16 years changing the lives of thousands of doctors worldwide

Hello! We’re Dr. Diego Peydro and Dr. Iván Malagón. Over 15 years ago, we started COIP, an online academy where we show doctors from all over the world how to handle the most complex cases with invisible orthodontics.

Success isn’t about luck, it’s about hard work, consistency, and studying a lot. Besides explaining our protocols, we also try to share our approach to life so you can make the most of each day and inspire those around you.

In this webinar, we’ll dive into the latest techniques in invisible orthodontics that will help you handle more cases in less time. Plus, we’ll share our life philosophy, the COIP philosophy.

What will you learn in this webinar?

You’ll go from living the life you have now to the life you deserve

The life you have

You feel like you’re not reaching your full potential and often feel frustrated

You’re constantly stressed and working too hard for what you’re earning

You feel like you’re falling behind compared to other professionals in your field

You think you’ve been stuck for years, not achieving your goals, and don’t know where to focus

You work all day and don’t have time for friends, family, or yourself

The life you deserve

You handle cases more easily, your clients are happy, and other professionals admire your work

You solve cases faster, which means you can see more patients and boost your clinic’s profits

You live a more relaxed and comfortable life thanks to what you’ve learned

You enjoy life knowing you’ll reach your goals with time and effort, no matter the obstacles

You get to spend quality time with family, friends, and dedicate more time to yourself: for personal growth or hobbies

What’s the webinar content?

Protocols for handling the most complex cases

In the first part of the webinar, we’ll show you all the protocols we’ve perfected over 20+ years in the field, which have allowed us to handle the most challenging cases using only invisible orthodontics.

How to run your dental practice successfully

We’ll share how we manage our clinics and how we make millions in revenue each year while spending little time in the office.

COIP Philosophy: design your dream life

Take the reins of your life and choose the path you want. We’ll show you the COIP philosophy and how it can change your life.

Apúntate al webinario gratuito:

Las 5 claves que necesitas para alcanzar el nivel profesional más alto con alineadores

Impartido por los Dres Diego Peydro e Iván Malagón

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